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Book: Hunger Games Catching Fire PDF Download

Author: Suzanne Collins

Title Hunger Games Catching PDF Download
Author Suzanne Collins
Edition latest
ISBN 978-0-545-22724-7
Pages 391

Hunger Games Catching Fire PDF Book Intro

The triumph of Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark in the Hunger Games is significant. Their winning in the hunger games has made a quite resistance starts in many districts that eventually lead to a revolution. In this way, President Snow has payed a avisit to Katness home and meet her in private demanding her to do what she is asked, Or on the other hand rather, her actual lover will suffer the consequence of her resistance.

All what he asked her to stick  to the instructions and  It's simple, he simply needs to persuade al the people living in all areas that Katniss truly began to look all crazy about Peeta, similarly as Peeta admired  Katniss.

Hunger Games Catching Fire PDF Book Review

Rukshini Chowdhury's bullet hit the writer's right rib. And the lamp of the writer's life would have been extinguished on that day. After that the writer had to stay in the hospital for a long time. At the hospital, he meets Supriya, a doctor who is always lazy, and an old man who is mysteriously dying – his name is very strange, Shatu. The author is not exempt even after being released from the hospital.

Every night he hears the sound of a different flute – the sound of the flute makes the body tremble, the mind depressed. Who is playing this flute and why is Smita so afraid of this flute? Meanwhile, the statue of the cat left in Krishnanagar has come to the writer's house. What has this cat statue got to do with the two cat statues preserved in the Mainamati Museum? Why is Rukshini Chowdhury preventing the Department of Archeology from carrying out excavations in Krishnanagar?

Meanwhile, the writer appeared in Krishnanagar for the last time to free Smita Chowdhurani from her curse forever. As soon as he set foot in Krishnanagar, Rukshini Chowdhury's team grabbed him and took him to a place called Shanshan. The author will be sacrificed in a primitive way – but for whose purpose?

This 'flute' is the last part of the 'Bakul Phul' trilogy. This 151-page book has undoubtedly surpassed the previous two volumes. The part where the novel 'Biralakshi' ends is where the novel 'Bamshi' starts from. What is meant by a nice ending to a series is 'flute'. Here are some of the ones I found to be interesting:

  1. The specialty of this book is that it is both a ghost and mystery thriller novel. You will get both fear and thrill.
  2. I like the dialogue. This book is a book to be read in one sitting.
  3. Among the characters, Shatu likes the character. Nura Pagla liked the character in the novel 'Biralakshi' but the writer did not give much time to Nura Pagla in the story. But the character of this novel, Shatu, is beautifully portrayed by the author.
  4. The story of this novel revolves around cities, villages and mobs. As before, the author has shown Munsiana in this part of his writing centering on the surrounding environment.
  5. I like the ending of the story. But it would have been better to discuss the history of Smita's other two sisters a little more.
    In conclusion, Flute is a very nice novel. The journey that the reader started with Smita Chowdhurani through the novel 'Bakul Phul' has come to a beautiful end with 'Flute'. In our country, a lot of work is done on translation of horror and ghost genres, but much less work is done on the basics. However, at present, several writers are doing basic work with these people, I appreciate them. Congratulations to Monowarul Islam, the author of the Bakul Flower trilogy – I look forward to your more original series on ghosts.

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